The coaching and leadership training

Become an instructor a leader passionate

Ollerup’s Coaching and Leadership Training supports association life by equipping young people to contribute to their association – and at a reduced price.


Strengthened Association Cooperation

Are you passionate about your sport?

Are you a member of an association and want to make a difference?

Then you now have the opportunity to take an autumn holiday at Ollerup with a focus on improving your skills as an instructor and sports manager – even at a significantly lower price than usual.

Here at Ollerup, we have developed a concept we call Strengthened Association Cooperation. The concept aims to support a strong association life by equipping young people to dare to take the initiative and contribute to their association, so that we can jointly develop and protect the Danish – and international – association life.

As a student through Strengthened Association Cooperation, you have the opportunity to specialize in fitness , parkour , tumbling or dance and rhythmic gymnastics . In addition, you’ll attend the must have the NGO subject together with our international students and FIL (Future Sports Leader), which is a diploma course through DGI, and of course you must also have other college and sports electives.

In many ways, you become a completely ordinary high school student, but with a specific focus and under a somewhat special framework. The most important difference is that during your stay you work on a project that you and your association have agreed on in advance, and in which you will receive sparring and guidance about at the folk high school.

Development of your association / region

You get a focus area in collaboration with your association, which runs as an overall project during the entire high school stay, a kind of “main task”. Each student at Styrket Foreningssamarbejde will each have their own focus, which you will have weekly project time to work with, of course with sparring and guidance from a teacher.

Examples of collaboration:

  • The young volunteer has the task of strengthening and developing the association’s fitness department and thereby opening the association to new target groups.
  • An instructor works on a project with the aim of creating community, belonging and retention among the instructors on the regional teams.
  • An upcoming parkour instructor will boost the association’s parkour environment and hold x number of events during the season.
  • The young association member must be or become initiated in the board work and has the task of getting more young people to the association’s general meeting and facilitating a process for this.

As a folk high school, we have no requirements for the form of the project, but we want you to have the opportunity to contribute to something that makes sense for you and for the association / region – and that personal commitment, responsibility, trust and humanity are the driving force in the process.


It is a condition of the collaboration that your association contributes financially to your stay. There is no requirement for the size of the contribution.

An autumn stay usually costs DKK 40,575 incl. basic package, but through this collaboration you can apply for a grant of DKK 13,500 through the folk high school’s foundations. The amount that you and your association (and possibly other actors) must cover will thus be DKK 27,075. This covers five months of folk high school, incl. all teaching, board, lodging, day trips, study trips etc.

In addition, the folk high school stay ends with a qualifying diploma in the subjects, subjects, courses, etc. in which you have participated.

If this sounds interesting to you, you are of course welcome to contact your association and encourage them to read more about Strengthened Association Cooperation .

Be aware, however, that in the end it is the association’s decision whether it is possible – and if so, who they want to “send off”.

What is Ollerup?

There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.

See what you can use our courses for!


When you choose Strengthened Association Cooperation , you have the opportunity to become specialized / certified in various areas.

You can choose from four profiles:

Through Strengthened Association Cooperation, you have the opportunity to become a certified Personal Trainer if you choose the Health & Fitness course.

At Health & Fitness, the goal is to provide the student with the latest professionally grounded theory and the best practical coaching skills. The education is broad and provides tools for working with all target groups. Whether the target audience is young or old, men or women, individuals or teams, elite or broad.

We work from a broad and open approach to the concept of ‘health’. Health is many things, and the student will be presented with many different approaches to – and perspectives on – both physical, mental and social health. We believe that this holistic view of health equips the student in the best possible way to embrace the breadth and depth that association life represents.

The teaching, content and the final exam for Personal Trainer are approved and accredited by Europe Active (level 4). Passing the exam thus achieves the highest European certification, which is widely recognized in the fitness industry – both commercially and non-commercially.

The content in headlines:

  • Exercise-related anatomy and physiology
  • Strength training (including free weights, machines, body weight)
  • Circuit training (several different types of aerobic and anaerobic training)
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Functional training (including TRX, Kettlebells, Olympic weightlifting)
  • Mobility training, foam rolling and sports massage
  • Exercise planning (including appropriate progression and differentiation)
  • Preparation of training programs
  • Physical screening and test protocols
  • Coaching – the role in practice
  • Pedagogy and didactics
  • Motivation, habit and lifestyle changes

As a student at Styrket Foreningssamarbejde, you have the opportunity to become a certified parkour instructor if you choose the Parkour & Freerunning elective.

Ollerup has – together with the four other schools that offer parkour (BGI, Vejstrup, Sorø and Gerlev) – prepared the joint education package Parkour Platform. The purpose is to upskill instructors and ensure that everyone who works to convey parkour stands as strong as possible. The education will be examined and you will be certified with the Parkour Platform’s instructor certificate.

To overcome obstacles

Based on a basic motto from parkour, “To overcome obstacles”, we work at Ollerup with these three concepts: fear , creativity and problem solving.

At Ollerup we see parkour as a lifestyle, a physical philosophy, and in the course we search for the life lessons embedded in it. Slightly abstract, one might say that parkour becomes a mirror that we can use to reflect ourselves in.

Parkour is “real” and requires personal insight (self-insight), honesty and integrity. In our search for understanding, we tie theoretical knowledge to concrete physical experiences and reflect on how these experiences can apply in other areas of our lives.

We believe that through our movement experiences we form an image of the world and ourselves in it:

Parkour pulls us out of our comfort zone every time we go out to work out. It demands everything of us, and in return it rewards us with a strong body and a strong mind, expands our idea of ourselves and restores us to a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. […]

The harmony we seek between mind and body has nothing to do with […] developing the perfect physique […] It is about growing into a complete experience of life: The discovery and development of who we are , not what we can. *

* Own translation of Dan Edwardes

Our training is based on a threefold division: speed , skill and style , where we seek to find a balance between the focused training and the playful approach.

One of our highest goals is to make sure that you as a parkour practitioner become self-authoring (autonomous) and find motivation, joy and inspiration in your training. You have to attend class to train – not to “get trained”.

The conceptual approach opens up all aspects of parkour, and thus you as a practitioner gain experience and perspectives on your own point of view in this complex movement culture:

Parkour is […] challenging and playful, disciplining and liberating, community-oriented and completely individual, methodical and yet completely wild. And its basic principles encourage all-round competence, not over-specialization. *

* Own translation of Dan Edwardes

Strengthened Association Cooperation gives you a rare opportunity to dive deep into two worlds at the same time: Rhythmic gymnastics and the world of dance.

In the course Rhythm & Dance, we teach with our body in front, so that a lot of experiences, realizations and attitudes arise in the individual. You get a thorough insight into the techniques, traditions and possibilities of Danish gymnastics as well as experiences from the aesthetic and creative world of dance. As a student through Strengthened Association Cooperation, you thus have the opportunity to be inspired and learn from both worlds – an opportunity that not only expands your horizons as a practitioner, but especially also as an instructor.

Rhythmic gymnastics and modern dance have as many features in common as they have differences. We take advantage of this and test it in practice, so that you can become even more aware of the quality of the differences and similarities of the different movements, why you do as you do, and what choices you can make as an instructor.

We focus on learning about the pedagogical and didactic main points and theorists, and there will be time for reflection, testing and repetition, so you get a mindset that is ready to act strongly and well-founded in the Danish association life – as an instructor, passionate, creative organizer and / or active board member. This applies both in relation to target groups, activities and new opportunities.

As a student through Strengthened Association Cooperation, you have the opportunity to strengthen your profile in tumbling and developing your skills as both a practitioner and an instructor.

At Ollerup we have three tumbling courses: PowerTumbling, TeamGym and Tumbling X. Whichever line you choose, part of the teaching will take place across all three (especially at the beginning of the semester), so everyone gets the same foundation – and from there can nerd out and specialize.


Care, insight, contemplation and orderliness are key words for the PowerTumbling course.

We geek out in large and small communities and see each other’s diversity as a strength. We work with each other on goals, training methods along with season and session planning.

In PowerTumbling, we only have to focus on one variant of tumbling, which is why we make time for care and effort. We give ourselves time to dive into the smallest detail when, for example, we test and practice techniques and spotting or developing stations.

We create, explore and challenge power tumbling as well as the culture of Danish gymnastics, and you will gain insight into how powertumbling is cultivated at association level as well as nationally and internationally. Along the way, you will gain lots of teaching experience through warm-ups, technique training, strength training and much more.

At PowerTumbling, we ask questions so you are forced to reflect, take a stand and make choices. We both develop and complicate, so that you as an instructor are equipped to handle and develop powertumbling in whatever situation you might find yourself in.


In the TeamGym course, we work in a process-oriented environment, where you are guided and challenged in your development as both gymnast and instructor, both individually and as part of the community.

We focus on self-development within the various training aspects (technical, physical and psychological) – in order to be able to become wiser about what kind of sport teamgym is, and how to approach training and competition from an instructor perspective.

You will, among other things, get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the following:

  • Learning about TeamGym and its elements in tumbling and rhythm
  • Building/maintaining physical fitness through strength, cardio and flexibility
  • Development and testing of a lot of rhythm and tumbling stations in collaboration with other students
  • Learning about training environment, training diary, training programs, training planning and goals. – This is both from a practitioner’s perspective and just as much from an instructor’s perspective.

We place emphasis on creating an atmosphere and an environment that provides security, excitement, fun, learning and the opportunity for you to develop skills for use in association life.

Tumbling X

In Tumbling X, we challenge the concept of “care” around gymnastics and examine why we as instructors make the choices we make. We work with the community as a foundation for development and work with the individual’s motivation through involvement, development of competencies and social relationships.

In Tumbling X, you will learn about the Mastery Climate and how to work with a task-oriented focus as both gymnast and instructor. This involves i.a. creating a culture with focus on effort, development and daring to fail in order to work on one’s weaknesses.

Through perspectives and practice examples in daily teaching, the purpose is for you to become aware that there is no one right way to do workouts, shows and gymnastics – but you must always be able to argue why you have chosen to do as you do. In this way, we believe that we can get more reflective instructors who become better at organizing, developing and adjusting – everything from the individual technical station to trainings and demonstration programs to suit the people you face.


LUP er vores lederuddannelse – et fag, der lægger sig op ad dit linjevalg. Faget indeholder emner, der kan være med til at motivere dig til at blive træner/leder i det frivillige foreningsarbejde, på efterskoler eller lignende efter dit højskoleophold.

Fremtidens Idrætsleder

Du får en udfordrende og gratis idrætslederuddannelse sammen med dit højskoleophold.
Kun som ”FIL-elev” får du hele uddannelsen med et værdifuldt bevis og en anerkendelse fra DGI.


Ekstra kurser og undervisning

På Ollerup kan du tage en bred række anerkendte og certificerede uddannelser. Du kan bl.a. blive certificeret personlig træner, livredder og tage PADI-dykkercertifikat.


Højskolen er et godt springbræt til en videregående uddannelse. Det unikke ved højskolen er, at vores socialliv bygger på, at vi ikke kun kender hinanden fra undervisningen, men også fra hverdagen.

LUP uddannelse

Tilmeld besøgsdag

Tilmeld dig en af vores besøgsdage, og mærk hvordan din hverdag kan se ud på Ollerup. Og få stillet alle de spørgsmål, du gerne vil have svar på. 

Mød din måske kommende underviser, se dine faciliteter og oplev den helt særlige stemning på Ollerup. 

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