Cookie and privacy policy

In general
This policy on the processing of personal data (“privacy policy”) describes how Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup collects and processes information about you when you communicate with us, use our services or use our website .

Our services are aimed at students and course participants, and the information we process is therefore primarily about the course you as a student or course participant has signed up for.

If you contact us as a prospective or former student, your information will be processed in accordance with this policy.

The Privacy Policy applies to personal information that you provide to us or that we collect through the Website or other sources.

Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup is data responsible for your personal information. All inquiries to Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup can be made via the contact information listed under point 6 or at the bottom of all pages on .

We use cookies on the website, among other things. to optimize your use of the website, which is described in our Cookie Policy below.

What personal information do we collect and for what purpose?

When you visit the website:

We automatically collect information about you and your use of the Website when you visit the Website. This is e.g. information about your IP address, what type of browser you use, what pages you visit, what links you activate and in general, how you move around the website and how you use it.

The purpose is to pursue our legitimate interests in optimizing the user experience and the website’s functions as well as being able to record how long visitors are on the website, and to be able to show you relevant information.

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation. 1 (f) (the balance of interests rule)

When you sign up for our newsletters and request to receive other marketing:

We collect information about your email address.

The purpose is to be able to send you newsletters and otherwise to pursue our legitimate interests in sending you marketing.

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation. 1, letter f (the balance of interests rule).

When you use a service or receive an offer from us:

We collect information about your name, which course (long or short) you sign up for, telephone number, payment method, information about which services you order, delivery time and method.

The purpose of this treatment is that we can provide offered or agreed services, and to otherwise fulfill the agreement we have entered into with you / the company you represent, including to be able to manage your rights to advertise.

The legal basis for the processing is to be able to fulfill the agreement and provide the services ordered, cf. Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation 1 (b) or Article 6 (1) 1, letter f (the balance of interests rule).

When you register for a course or event with us:

To register for a course with us, it is necessary that you register your registration on our website .

We collect master data about you.

In courses, the Gymnastikhøjskolen takes pictures and video for use on the website, in PR material, on Facebook or other social media that are part of the Gymnastikhøjskolen’s ongoing work. You will be asked to give your consent upon registration. If you do not want photos / video of you being taken for the mentioned purposes, you must contact the photographer / person responsible for the course / event.

The purpose of this treatment is that you can attend the course that you have signed up for. Disclosure of your personal information is a prerequisite for your registration and subsequent administration of your course participation.

When you register, the registration for the course is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation. 1, letter f (the balance of interests rule).

When you call to get advice or communicate with us in general:

We collect information that you provide to us for use in answering your question. It is primarily in the category of general information.

The purpose of the treatment is to answer questions and be able to provide the best advice.

The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation. 1 (f) (the balance of interests rule)

Recipients of personal data, including third country transfers

We only share your personal information with third parties when we are required to do so by law or to provide the services we offer through the Website.

Leave to data processors. Your information may be left to external partners who process the information on our behalf. These companies are data processors and under our instructions and process data for which the Gymnastikhøjskolen is data responsible. The data processors may not use the information for any purpose other than fulfilling the agreement with us, and are subject to confidentiality about this. We have entered into written data processor agreements with all data processors who process personal data on our behalf.

To the extent that we process personal data outside the EU / EEA, the processing takes place in accordance with the standard contract provisions adopted by the EU Commission.

When do we delete your personal information?

Information collected about your use of the website, cf. 2.1, will be deleted at the latest when you have not visited the website for more than 38 months.

Information collected in connection with your communication with us, your inquiries and requests for advice will be deleted when they are no longer needed for that advice.

Information collected, cf. 2.3., Will in principle be deleted 5 years after the end of the calendar year in which the agreement has been entered into. However, the information will be stored for a longer period of time, I) if we have a legitimate interest in storing the information for a longer period, If necessary to establish, assert or defend legal claims; or III) or if the storage is necessary for us to meet legal requirements. Accounting material is stored for 5 years until the end of a financial year, in order to meet the requirements of the Accounting Act.

Information collected in connection with your subscription to newsletters will be deleted when your consent to the newsletter is withdrawn. However, the information can be stored for a longer period of time if we have a legitimate need for longer storage.

Your rights:

In order to create transparency about the processing of your information, we inform you in this section about your rights.

The right of access

You are at all times entitled to request information from us about, among other things, what information we have registered about you, what purpose the registration serves, what categories of personal information and recipients of information may be, as well as information about where the information comes from.

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data that we process about you. If you want a copy of your personal information, you must send a written request to You may be asked to document that you are who you pretend to be.

The right to rectification
You have the right to have incorrect personal information about yourself corrected by us. If you become aware that there are errors in the information that we have registered about you, you are encouraged to contact us in writing so that the information can be corrected.

The right to delete
In certain cases, you have the right to have all or some of your personal information deleted by us, e.g. if you revoke your consent and we have no other legal basis to continue the processing. To the extent that further processing of your information is necessary, e.g. in order for us to comply with our legal obligations, or for legal claims to be established, asserted or defended, we are not obliged to delete your personal data.

The right to limit the treatment to storage
In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data limited to only storage, e.g. if you believe that the information we process about you is incorrect.

The right to object
You have the right at any time to object to our processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, including the processing carried out in order to target our direct marketing.

You also have the right at any time, for reasons relating to your personal situation, to object to the processing of your personal data that we carry out on the basis of our legitimate interests.

The right to withdraw consent
You have the right at any time to revoke a consent you have given us for a given processing of personal data, including in connection with your subscription to our newsletter.

The right to complain
You can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about our processing of your personal data. Complaints can, among other things, be submitted by email or telephone 33 19 32 00.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, or you want to make use of one or more of your rights, you can contact Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup per. mail to or by phone: 62241230.

Changes in privacy policy
If we make changes to the Privacy Policy, the new version of the Privacy Policy will be available on the Website.

Cookie policy

This website uses cookies in connection with traffic measurement and the site’s technical functionality. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and to be able to recognize your computer on return visits. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they may not contain viruses.

Owner information:
This website is provided by:

Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup
Svendborgvej 3
5762 Vester Skerninge
Phone: 62241230

This is how long cookies are stored
Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.

How to delete cookies
See instructions here:

How do I avoid cookies?
If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block them. See instructions here:

What cookies are used for on our website
Cookies are used to keep statistics about the number of users and their movements on the site. In addition, cookies are used in connection with the catalog order on the site.

Google Analytics (traffic measurement)
The website uses cookies from Google Analytics to measure the traffic on the website.
You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies here:

Use of personal information
Personal information is never given to third parties, unless you yourself expressly consent to this, or we are obliged to do so according to. current legislation. After a folk high school stay of 4-9 months, you automatically enroll in the NPD Student Association, and your master data is transferred there. The NPD Student Association is administered in close collaboration with the Gymnastikhøjskolen. We never collect personal information without you giving us this information when registering or ordering. Personal information is used to complete the order in connection with which the information was collected.

Contact regarding. personal information
If you want access to the information that is registered about you at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup, you must contact us by phone: 62241230 or e-mail:

Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup

Svendborgvej 3
5762 Vester Skerninge
Tel: 62241230

E mail:
CVR: 79348619

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Updated: May 25, 2018

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