Dietary policy

We are together sweaty grinflip your personal cheerleader 150 pairs of clippers in the dining room ... common the first of our kind just like you Ollerup

Healthy, nutritious and tasty food as a basis for a healthy body. We believe that you are the best version of yourself when you get the right fuel.

Tumbling X

Healthy diet

The starting point for the diet policy at Ollerup is that precisely the diet in interaction with the daily exercise is the lifestyle that forms the basis for healthy and healthy students, course participants and employees. Therefore, we strongly advocate that healthy, nutritious and tasty meals are served, that we limit food waste, that we offer vegetarian alternatives and that we best support the students ‘and students’ stay at the folk high school.

The overall goals of the diet policy are:

  • To create and support healthy eating habits in students, course participants and staff.
  • To promote the performance of students, course participants and staff through better energy and concentration.
  • To be able to prevent diet-related diseases in the long term.

As a focal point in the planning of school meals, it is not only the energy intake that is decisive for the daily meals. Also important is the choice and quality of the ingredients purchased, the way the food is prepared and served and the atmosphere that is created about the individual meals both for everyday life, for school parties and for other events.

The Gymnastics College’s students / students and staff come to the school with individual dietary habits. To meet this difference, it is therefore also important for us to offer as many choices as possible for each meal, and therefore all meals take place as a buffet dish.

The kitchen is staffed with skilled staff who are passionate about creating the best quality, and the staff fully live up to the great responsibility, which is to serve a nutritious, well-cooked, tasty and inviting diet to the school’s students, course participants and staff. They are aware that every meal must be an experience, and the focus is on creativity and good quality in daily work.


We live quite well. Both our students, our employees and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration agree – our kitchen has an elite smiley. See latest inspection reports here .

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Starting point in the 8 dietary guidelines

The diet policy is based on the eight diet tips, which are everyday memory tips for a healthy balance between food and physical activity.

The 8 diet tips are:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables – 600 grams a day
  2. Eat fish and cold cuts – several times a week
  3. Eat potatoes, rice or pasta and wholemeal bread – every day
  4. Save on sugar – especially from sodas, sweets and cakes
  5. Save on fat – especially from dairy products and meat
  6. eat varied
  7. Quench your thirst in water
  8. Be physically active – at least 30 minutes a day

How do we live up to the 8 dietary guidelines in the daily offer at the Gymnastics College

The food must be fresh and well-cooked, nutritious and varied.

To achieve the goal of freshly prepared food, the kitchen is staffed with staff from

07:00 to 20:00 every day of the week.

The food must preferably consist of fresh quality ingredients, adapted to the current season and organic food must be gradually implemented in the daily offer. At present, organic milk is offered, but it is the intention that the kitchen will offer organic basic products in the long term. This includes flour / bread and to a certain extent vegetables and meat.


We bake all the bread ourselves – rye bread – buns – spelled bread – muesli buns – wholemeal bread etc.

Our home-baked rye bread is very popular and we encourage you to eat a lot of the good coarse rye bread. We are aware that our bread is coarse and has a high fiber content and thus gives a good satiety. Bread is served with all meals. As an evening meal, it is also possible to have a piece of rye bread.

We long-term raise a lot of our bread. Partly to improve the taste, but also to promote the absorption of the bread’s nutrients. With long-term rising, some of the bread’s nutrients are broken down and they become easier for the body to absorb.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and / or vegetables are served with all meals.

Apples and pears are purchased directly from a local orchard.

The collaboration with an organic vegetable grower is under start-up.

Other fruits and vegetables are bought fresh directly from the GASA growers’ green peat.

Dairy products

All our dairy products are delivered directly from the dairy. The milk is organic and we offer minimal milk as we recommend animal products with a low fat content.

Meat and Fish

We preferably serve meat with a fat content of less than 10%. Fish is served 1-2 times per. week. either as a cold cuts or for the hot dish.


Fats are used as little as possible. Liquid vegetable oil is used to a greater extent instead of solid fats.


Milk is offered for breakfast. Cold water is offered for all meals. Coffee and tea are served for breakfast, dinner and evening refreshments. We recommend drinking water rather than juice, juice, soda and other soft drinks.

Emphasis is placed on promoting students’ intake of fruit and vegetables, and we recommend minimizing the intake of sodas and sweets between meals.

Meals at the Gymnastics College

Cornflakes, oatmeal, homemade muesli, raisins, marinated fruits, fresh fruit, carrots, homemade rye bread and French bread, crispbread, oatmeal, beer bread, condensed milk, A-38, skyr, skim milk, water, coffee and tea.

Fresh fruit and cold water

A hot dish, 1-2 kinds of vegetables / salad, home-baked bread, cold water.

Varying types of bread – mini rye bread, French bread, buns, crispbread and the like, cold water.

Salad buffet / various mixed salads, pestos, sliced vegetables in all variations, croutons, nuts, fruit, cottage cheese, dressings, etc., home-baked rye bread and French bread, cold cuts, warm dishes, various cheeses, skim milk, water, coffee and tea.

Homemade rye bread / butter. In addition, there are 2 evenings a week evening coffee, where coffee, tea and cake are served.

During a semester, there will be several party nights with a 2-course party menu.

Here, as a student, you help to choose which menu is served. If you have a birthday while you are at school, you have the option of being served your favorite menu or cake.

Vegetarian food or special diet

In special cases, it is possible to arrange a special diet (for doctor-documented allergies) with the kitchen. In your registration for the school, you can write if you need a special diet (for doctor-documented allergies) or a vegetarian diet. Or you can contact the kitchen at the start of the course.

As responsible for the daily diet for the Gymnastics College's students and course participants, it is the kitchen's goal to be constantly updated with the latest knowledge in diet and nutrition for young people. As an employee in the kitchen, you are part of an ongoing development. Partly by participating in courses / seminars, and partly by trying out new methodologies and dishes on a daily basis.

At the moment, we are focusing on ecology. We strive to be able to offer more organic products within the next year. We want to live up to our main goal - to serve a healthy diet as the most important basis for a healthy body.

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