Get additional options certified competencies something to take home new tools
At Ollerup you have the opportunity to take courses during your high school stay. We work with large organizations and federations to create the best framework for you and equip you for the future as a volunteer sports leader, boarding school teacher, coach and much more.
One of Ollerup’s oldest core tasks is to educate the sports world’s future leaders and enthusiasts. We collaborate with a large number of organizations, so you can qualify and certify yourself in both personal training, lifesaving, diving, spotting and of course a wide range of gymnastics’ most attractive leadership educations.
So you get all the soft competencies from the high school stay, but also very concrete and certified tools, which strengthen your CV when you subsequently make your sport your profession.
We know very well how of a much difference the right teaching, experience and certification makes. That’s why we also strive to always be able to offer up-to-date and relevant education – especially when they support sports, health and our basic educational task. If you don’t happen to find what you are looking for here, then by all means ask – we regularly add new, exciting initiatives.
There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.
See what you can use our courses for!
LUP er vores lederuddannelse – et fag, der lægger sig op ad dit linjevalg. Faget indeholder emner, der kan være med til at motivere dig til at blive træner/leder i det frivillige foreningsarbejde, på efterskoler eller lignende efter dit højskoleophold.
Fremtidens Idrætsleder
Du får en udfordrende og gratis idrætslederuddannelse sammen med dit højskoleophold.
Kun som ”FIL-elev” får du hele uddannelsen med et værdifuldt bevis og en anerkendelse fra DGI.
Ekstra kurser og undervisning
På Ollerup kan du tage en bred række anerkendte og certificerede uddannelser. Du kan bl.a. blive certificeret personlig træner, livredder og tage PADI-dykkercertifikat.
Højskolen er et godt springbræt til en videregående uddannelse. Det unikke ved højskolen er, at vores socialliv bygger på, at vi ikke kun kender hinanden fra undervisningen, men også fra hverdagen.