Official documents

As a high school, Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup has a number of democratic obligations and legal documentation requirements. You can find all our related information here.

Art and culture
Art and culture

The college's responsibility

The democratic ideals of education, citizenship and shared responsibility for the common good are topics that can easily sound high-flying and thereby feel airy. At Ollerup, they are everyday. We recognize our responsibility to society, to our values and not least to our students.

We sincerely believe that community is a basic human condition.

That we are each other’s prerequisite for success.

That by nurturing resilience and cultivating a shared responsibility we can prepare ourselves and each other for unexpected complexity or resistance.

We believe in our task, and we know that our students sense its seriousness – even though our contribution resembles a young person in training clothes, who during conversations, training, teaching and the community umbrella becomes wiser about himself and his surroundings. It is not high-flying – and especially not flying. For us, it is an everyday life that we both live out, develop and love – every day.

Below you can find further material about our attitudes, values, core tasks and the tasks we undertake both towards our students, society and each other.

Principal Niels Bukh built the Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup and owned it until his death in 1950. Here he designed his basic gymnastics and developed it as an important part of the folk high school’s work.

From a testamentary point of view, headmaster Niels Bukh had decided that after his death, the Gymnastikhøjskolen should be donated to Danish youth by transferring to a self-governing institution – statutes to this effect were ratified in 1950. These articles of association stated that the school’s long-standing staff and the teaching staff employed at the school at the time of Niels Bukh’s death, just as the student association (Ollerup Delingsførere) was to participate in the school’s management.

The following applies to the Gymnastikhøjskolen: Articles of association.

It does not make sense to evaluate without knowing the goals, therefore the goals we aim to hit with a semester and course are given here in very short form:

  1. That the student develops gymnastically, dance-wise and / or athletically, and has many different experiences and experiences with this in different contexts.
  2. That the student gets tools and experiences of leading and organizing and initiating activities related to gymnastics, dance, sports and association life.
  3. That the student experiences meeting different people with different attitudes and points of view, and in that way is challenged on his personal development.
  4. That the student experiences that through a community you can develop professionalism, personality, relationships and communication.
  5. That the student experiences high school life with all that it entails of spaciousness, experiences, historical understanding, singing culture etc.
  6. That the student experiences that the world in some areas has become larger – and that you know yourself better.
  7. That they meet a school with frameworks and teachers who can deliver the above.

Every free school must have a school district, which is the hinterland that wants that school established or maintained.

The school district has a decisive influence on the purpose and statutes of a free school. At Gymnastikhøjskolen, the school district consists of approx. 360 members, who according to the articles of association elect 5 board members to the school district’s board. This happens at the school’s annual general meeting on the first Friday in October.

According to the articles of association, the school district’s 5 elected board members are part of the Gymnastikhøjskolen’s board with the school district’s chairman as the born chairman of the Gymnastikhøjskolen’s board.

Membership of the school circle is obtained by sending personal data to the Gymnastics High School office.

5 year membership fee DKK 400.00 to be paid to

reg. 6840, account no. 0001669020

with remark about “School district”, as well as name and address.

When the fee is received, proof of membership is sent.

Since its inception in 1920, the Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup has placed great emphasis on democratic formation as well as movement and dialogue across nationalities and cultures.

In practice, this means that we discuss societal issues, attitudes and values in subjects such as the World and Me; we have lectures and morning sessions, which give us new knowledge and perspective; we find solutions in large and small in different student committees and at the weekly joint meeting; and we live, eat, train and have fun together in one big melting pot of cultures from all over the world.

It is not always easy to live with so many people who come from different backgrounds. But it can be done – we know it, because we see it every semester – and it can even be one of life’s coolest and most rewarding experiences!

We therefore fully and firmly believe in the beneficial effect of living and learning together across interests, age, language, nationality, culture, etc.

As a student at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup, you not only become part of a community – you also learn to take responsibility for it.

Regardless of the times and trends, we will always need the core of the community to lift, enlighten and form a community. Voluntary commitment has value in itself – both for the volunteer himself and for others – and thus contributes to the development of the individual and the community. We therefore want to feed the voluntary work and the committed communities, which is one of the core values in the Danish association life.

In short: We want to help lift the work of the associations!

Therefore, in recent years we have worked to develop a concept we have chosen to call Strengthened Association Cooperation.

Read more about Strengthened Association Work .

As a high school student, you have the opportunity for broader and deeper, personal, study and career guidance. Ollerup’s Guidance efforts are handled on an equal footing in teaching, through personal contact between student and teacher and through direct, personal study guidance by trained staff. This effort is described here.

Mentoring and action for non-apprentices

The Gymnastics High School in Ollerup makes a special effort for students between 17½-25 years who do not have a secondary education. We offer a clarifying and developing mentoring programme, in which the stay at the college becomes part of your educational plan.

We focus on your personal and social skills to give you the boost that can help you on your way to completing secondary education or vocational training. We even focus on your body awareness and mental health, which is a foundation for increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

The process as a mentor trainee

You will be assigned a high school teacher as a mentor. Your mentor will support and guide you both in achieving the goals set out in the curriculum, but also in how you, as a student at the school, can have the most fruitful stay here. Together with your mentor, you will draw up an agreement for your time at the school, giving you the opportunity to take ownership of the development we will work on together.

Ollerup Gymnastics High School’s prerequisites for mentoring

The Gymnastics High School in Ollerup has several years of experience in offering mentoring programmes for students who need clarification and resource building in relation to future education. The mentoring process is built on a series of conversations as well as formal and informal contact during the day. The school’s mentor is high school teacher Line Møller Petersen, who is a trained mentor through the Folkehøjskolernes Forening/VIA University College.

Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup offers a stay with a personal mentoring scheme. The mentoring scheme is for you who do not have a youth education, and who can use a clarifying and developing college stay to get ready for a qualifying youth education.

What does it take?

To be a mentor student, you must:

  • Be between 17½ – 25 years.
  • Not having completed a youth education.
  • Have an education plan from the Municipal Youth Initiative, which states that you must go to folk high school as a mentor.

What does it mean to be a mentor student?

As a mentor student, you are part of the school’s everyday life, just like all other students with the same subjects and activities. In addition to the regular contact with the school staff, you will also have a special contact with the school mentor. You and the school mentor will have conversations that support and help you get ready to take a youth education. The interviews can focus on personal, social and professional development and clarification depending on your needs and your education plan.

The school’s mentor is Allan Jakobsen . Allan is a mentor through the Folkehøjskolernes Forening / VIA University College.


It is possible that a small part of the grant for the mentoring scheme can be used to reduce your weekly school payment. It depends on a concrete assessment after a conversation with the school.

What should you do?

  • Contact the Municipal Youth Initiative in your municipality to find out if you can get an education plan that includes a folk high school stay with a mentor scheme.
  • Contact the school to find out if there is room for the mentoring scheme, as well as if and how a mentoring course will make sense.
  • Send the signed education plan to the college.
  • When you start your stay at the school, you will make a written agreement with the school’s mentor about how the course at the folk high school should take place. It may, for example, be that you have some regular meetings throughout the semester.

Tilmeld besøgsdag

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Mød din måske kommende underviser, se dine faciliteter og oplev den helt særlige stemning på Ollerup. 

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