Everyday life

We are together hilarious your personal cheerleaders 150 pairs of flip flops in the dining room a community the first of our kind just like you Ollerup

As a student at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup, you largely put together yourself  your stay. You choose about half of your weekly teaching hours yourself, so you can be sure that your stay is tailored exactly to you.

Everyday life
Everyday life

Everyday life at Ollerup

We have the best everyday life in the world – and we know that because we live in it every single day. When you starts with us, you become part of an active, social and educational environment that revolves around the community we create together. If you would like to form a slightly more concrete impression of everyday life and read more about our folk high school subjects and electives , you are guaranteed to find something you are interested in. You will probably also find something you have not tried before – where you can both get new experiences and time to think about. All subjects are designed to develop, push and enlighten you.

Assemble your high school stay

A folk high school stay at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup is based on desire and freedom of choice, and you have a great opportunity to control the content of your stay.

Already when registering, you choose the line subject that you follow throughout the semester. It is, together with our compulsory high school subjects, the framework of your stay.

When you arrive and have been introduced to your new home, you must also choose your first electives and sports electives – you choose them both immediately after arrival and again about halfway through the semester. Be aware that the offer varies from semester to semester, and our current selection is just examples of the most common and most often offered electives. More can come, just as more can be put on pause – but it pays off once you’re at school.

You also have the opportunity to choose yourself into a student committee and help make an active difference for your semester. We have a relatively large number of active committees, and we encourage everyone with something on their mind to participate and get involved in the committees. You will receive more information about both the committee and your options for participation at start-up.

What is Ollerup?

There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.

See what you can use our courses for!

Compile your schedule

It’s important to emphasize that freedom of choice goes hand in hand with responsibilities and duties. When you choose to go to folk high school, you also choose to say yes to a lot of things that you have no direct influence over; you say i.a. yes to a number of established subjects and events, agree to following the legal requirement to participate in the teaching and commit yourself to being part of a community.

Below you can get a glimpse of what your normal week might look like in the schedule below. 

Be aware that there are different schedules, depending on whether you are going to be a student in the spring or the fall semester. For example, in the spring we are so many that we have to divide some of the hours into blocks A and B, and in the autumn you get two different sports electives in each period, which means you can try four different electives in total.

Ollerup Schedule example autumn
Ollerup Schedule example autumn

In addition to the daily schedule, a folk high school stay is broken up by theme weeks and study trips . In the spring there is a ski trip, and in the autumn there are various destinations.

You can read more about practical information such as schedule, semester plan, lines, subjects, normal weeks, special weeks, student weekends, free weekends, common subjects, LUP, rules and daily life at school. Read information for future students here .

What is Ollerup?

There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.

See what you can use our courses for!

Tilmeld besøgsdag

Tilmeld dig en af vores besøgsdage, og mærk hvordan din hverdag kan se ud på Ollerup. Og få stillet alle de spørgsmål, du gerne vil have svar på. 

Mød din måske kommende underviser, se dine faciliteter og oplev den helt særlige stemning på Ollerup. 

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