
Find out what you’re good at. When you get to know people, you also get to understand yourself better – and with qualified guidance you’re well on your way!


Guidance in everyday life

The folk high school is a good springboard for starting and completing a higher education. The unique thing about the folk high school and its learning space is that it adheres to the boarding school education form. Here, the relationship between teacher and student and between students is based on the fact that we not only know each other from the teaching, but also from different everyday situations.
Several external evaluations indicate that the folk high school gives young people a unique opportunity to develop social, professional and personal competencies, and thus gain a strengthened self-esteem.

We are committed to providing our students with educational and vocational guidance on all courses over 12 weeks. And of course we live up to that.

Among other things, you will meet student counseling in the following contexts:

Guidance evenings

For the guidance evenings, you will meet people who are in the process of or have completed an education. This could be, for example, a physiotherapist, chiropractor, school teacher or police officer. You’ll meet people from different types of educations. Both these guests and some of the school’s teachers make presentations about their, as well as your, educational choices, how they made theirs and what you should be aware of. You’ll will also get the opportunity in small groups to talk to the guests or the school teachers about the choice of education.

The World and Me

In the subject ‘The World and Me’, you will also receive support to make the choices that have an impact on your future. You will be trained in the ability to reflect on the important choices in life and gain existential and life philosophical perspectives on your choices.

The courses

The teaching of your course can help to clarify whether you want to work with this course professionally. At the same time, you will of course get a large professional ballast for a job such as police officer, personal trainer, gymnastics teacher at an after-school center, dancer etc.

Conversations with teachers

You are always welcome to contact the school’s teachers, who can all help guide you in your choices. There is always a “host teacher” at school in the evenings and on weekends where you’ll find room for a good conversation.

Our guidance is flexible and targeted because we get to know you as a person, and not just as a student. Here at school you will get away from the ordinary everyday life. You’ll get time to reflect and test yourself as well as your plans and ambitions in a safe environment. And at the same time, you can prepare and motivate yourself for a higher education.

What is Ollerup?

There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.

See what you can use our courses for!


LUP er vores lederuddannelse – et fag, der lægger sig op ad dit linjevalg. Faget indeholder emner, der kan være med til at motivere dig til at blive træner/leder i det frivillige foreningsarbejde, på efterskoler eller lignende efter dit højskoleophold.

Fremtidens Idrætsleder

Du får en udfordrende og gratis idrætslederuddannelse sammen med dit højskoleophold.
Kun som ”FIL-elev” får du hele uddannelsen med et værdifuldt bevis og en anerkendelse fra DGI.


Ekstra kurser og undervisning

På Ollerup kan du tage en bred række anerkendte og certificerede uddannelser. Du kan bl.a. blive certificeret personlig træner, livredder og tage PADI-dykkercertifikat.


Højskolen er et godt springbræt til en videregående uddannelse. Det unikke ved højskolen er, at vores socialliv bygger på, at vi ikke kun kender hinanden fra undervisningen, men også fra hverdagen.

LUP uddannelse

Tilmeld besøgsdag

Tilmeld dig en af vores besøgsdage, og mærk hvordan din hverdag kan se ud på Ollerup. Og få stillet alle de spørgsmål, du gerne vil have svar på. 

Mød din måske kommende underviser, se dine faciliteter og oplev den helt særlige stemning på Ollerup. 

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