We are together hilarious your personal cheerleaders 150 pairs of flip flops in the dining room a community the first of our kind just like you Ollerup
Are you looking for the perfect setting for your event? Every year we welcome thousands of people to Ollerup, and we are experts in creating the right atmosphere – no matter the size of your event.
High ceilings nestled on a state-of-the-art framework
Ollerup Gymnastikhøjskole has spent the last 100 years creating the best sports facilities you could wish for. We believe that we’ve come a long way, and we are especially excited about our rhythm, tumbling and conference facilities. However, there is much, much more under our many roofs, and with approx. 34,000 built-up square meters, there is undoubtedly also something you or your organization could benefit from.
We love to have life in our hallways and visits to our high school. That is why we regularly rent out our conference facilities, Ollerup Arena, Olympen, our sports facilities and make sure to also offer our guests both delicious food and comfortable accommodation. In fact, one of our wings is a dormitory specifically for visitors. You can find a selection of our many, rental-friendly facilities here, and should you have any queries, need more information about catering, booking, equipment or the like, you are of course always welcome to contact us .
There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.
See what you can use our courses for!