Advent Eve 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7.30 pm
in the Arena at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup, Entrance by Foyer Syd, east side / towards Svendborg
This cozy evening is an annual tradition, which this year is held in the Arena, so we ensure plenty of space and plenty of distance.
Practical informations:
We refer to the Gymnastikhøjskolen’s parking spaces:
-in front of the glass building
-Behind the Arena with driveway at Svendborgvej 5 and past Børnegården
-on Ditlevvej
At Foyer Syd, Entrance East (towards Svendborg side / closest to Ditlevej), everyone must enter before Monday :
-display a Coronapas or
-PCR test max 72 hours or
-quick test max 48 hours
-we would very much like children under the age of 15 to also present a negative test.
-we recommend that all guests wear sanitary napkins until seated.
show respect
If you have symptoms, stay at home, if in doubt, stay at home
keep distance, limit close and physical contact
– show patience
the door opens at 18.30 (The Advent meeting starts at 19.30)
-when you have shown Coronapas or a negative test, enter at Entrance East / towards Svendborg side / closest to Ditlevvej
– if you have registered and paid in advance, you just have to announce your name or show the payment for the registration at the entrance
If you have not signed up, you can buy a ticket at the entrance on MobilePay or with cash.
-if you pay with cash, make sure you have the same amount in cash
-you must not move around on the Gymnastikhøjskolen’s indoor area
Kl. 18.30 The doors open
Kl. 19.30 Welcome
Kl. 19.35 Advent speech
Kl. 20.00 Movement at the Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup
Kl. 20.25 Choir singing at Ollerup Continuation School – song and music
Kl. 20.40 Brief orientation
Kl. 20.55 Lucia marched
Kl. 21.25 Thank you for tonight
You must buy your ticket in advance: click HERE
We look forward to seeing you all for a cozy evening.
Ollerup parish council – Ollerup Continuation School – Singing and Music and Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup
See pictures from the beautiful Lucia procession here