Spring at Ollerup is about specialization. Your primary course is decided in advance, so you can delve deeply into your subject as the darker days turn to summer. In the spring you can choose these lines at Ollerup. Click on and read more about them.
Autumn at Ollerup is about variety. With a wider freedom of choice, you combine your primary line with focus subjects, allowing you to get the best of many worlds. In the autumn you can choose these lines at Ollerup. Click on and read more about them.
Every year, Ollerup opens the doors to a large number of folk high school courses and events, so that visitors of all age groups and with different interests can taste our folk high school life. We put together community, play, physical activity and reflection in experiences you are guaranteed to remember.
At Ollerup, we offer a wide range of both creative and physical courses.
We simply call the non-sporting courses electives, and you have them two hours a week. We call the physical electives Sports, and you have them either two hours (spring) or four hours (autumn) per week.
Those who live together, learn together!
As a folk high school student, you have some folk high school subjects that are based on the community at Ollerup.
As a student at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup, you largely put together your own stay. You choose about half of your weekly teaching hours yourself, so you can be sure that your stay is tailored exactly to you.