LUP is Learning development perspective

LUP is our management education – a subject that is in line with your course choice. The subject is created to motivate you to take responsibility for training and leadership in the voluntary association work, at boarding schools or similar after your folk high school stay.


Learning, development and perspective

LUP is our management education – a subject that is in line with your course choice. The subject contains topics that can help motivate you to become a coach/leader in the voluntary association work, at boarding schools or similar after your folk high school stay.


The purpose of the course is to give you experiences with and motivate reflections upon:

  • Learning perspectives – where you, among other things, must learn how to plan and execute teaching in your sport as well as reflect on others’ as well as your own learning process.
  • Development opportunities – where you have to develop activities and investigate how the activity affects individuals and groups. In addition, to develop you as a teacher through practical experience, theoretical presentations and reflection.
  • Perspectives – where you must relay your experiences as a teacher as well as perspective on the subject to other professional, theoretical and human aspects.


The subject contains elements of pedagogy, didactics, music theory, training theory, psychology, body and society, history, communication etc., which will be included in the line subject throughout the semester.

The autumn semester will also include two LUP weeks, where the normal folk high school schedule is skipped in favor of two special weeks. This is to enable a greater immersion in certain topics as well as to gain a lot of practical experience as a teacher for different target groups. Testing, observations and evaluation are key elements in these weeks.


The subject alternates between theoretical presentations, teaching assignments, studies, reflection assignments as well as work and testing in practice.

The superstructure for the management education is called Fremtidens Idrætsleder (FIL) and is a theoretical supplement to the management education, which contains topics within the world of sports, project management and personal development.

LUP education
What is Ollerup?

There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.

See what you can use our courses for!


LUP er vores lederuddannelse – et fag, der lægger sig op ad dit linjevalg. Faget indeholder emner, der kan være med til at motivere dig til at blive træner/leder i det frivillige foreningsarbejde, på efterskoler eller lignende efter dit højskoleophold.

Fremtidens Idrætsleder

Du får en udfordrende og gratis idrætslederuddannelse sammen med dit højskoleophold.
Kun som ”FIL-elev” får du hele uddannelsen med et værdifuldt bevis og en anerkendelse fra DGI.


Ekstra kurser og undervisning

På Ollerup kan du tage en bred række anerkendte og certificerede uddannelser. Du kan bl.a. blive certificeret personlig træner, livredder og tage PADI-dykkercertifikat.


Højskolen er et godt springbræt til en videregående uddannelse. Det unikke ved højskolen er, at vores socialliv bygger på, at vi ikke kun kender hinanden fra undervisningen, men også fra hverdagen.

LUP uddannelse

Tilmeld besøgsdag

Tilmeld dig en af vores besøgsdage, og mærk hvordan din hverdag kan se ud på Ollerup. Og få stillet alle de spørgsmål, du gerne vil have svar på. 

Mød din måske kommende underviser, se dine faciliteter og oplev den helt særlige stemning på Ollerup. 

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