Extra courses and tuition
During the semester, various opportunities for extra tuition or extra courses may arise. In this semester we work i.a. with the possibility of jumping safety courses, diving course and lifeguard test.
Jump safety
Are you considering applying for a job at an after-school center after your stay at Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup? Or do you just want to further qualify your options as a coach? You have the opportunity to supplement your management education with spring safety courses, which give you insight into reception, methodology and safety.
You can read more about the educations here:
We offer level 1 and level. 2. See overview here:
Lifesaving and diving training
Are you fond of water? Can you become a pool lifeguard, or prepare for TrygFonden’s Coastal Rescue, if that interests you?
With both indoor and outdoor pool systems, it is important that safety is in order, therefore you will be offered training in lifesaving and certification in the pool test, cf. Danish Swimming Union.
If you are thinking about a future as a coastal lifeguard, you will have the opportunity to be prepared for the entrance exam and the course of the education. We work closely with TrygFonden Kystlivredning and the Danish Swimming Union. Read more here!
We have i.a. former students as Instructors at TrygFonden Kystlivredning.
Are you going to travel where it would be cool to be able to dive?
Or do you just want to use our swimming facilities to learn to dive, take a diving certificate?
In collaboration with PADI, we offer the option of the PADI Open Water Diving certificate.
The lessons will be arranged so that you can take the diving certificate over four evenings after lessons. All the theory takes place online, so you can best prepare yourself.
There are lots of opportunities at Ollerup.
See what you can use our courses for!
LUP er vores lederuddannelse – et fag, der lægger sig op ad dit linjevalg. Faget indeholder emner, der kan være med til at motivere dig til at blive træner/leder i det frivillige foreningsarbejde, på efterskoler eller lignende efter dit højskoleophold.
Fremtidens Idrætsleder
Du får en udfordrende og gratis idrætslederuddannelse sammen med dit højskoleophold.
Kun som ”FIL-elev” får du hele uddannelsen med et værdifuldt bevis og en anerkendelse fra DGI.
Ekstra kurser og undervisning
På Ollerup kan du tage en bred række anerkendte og certificerede uddannelser. Du kan bl.a. blive certificeret personlig træner, livredder og tage PADI-dykkercertifikat.
Højskolen er et godt springbræt til en videregående uddannelse. Det unikke ved højskolen er, at vores socialliv bygger på, at vi ikke kun kender hinanden fra undervisningen, men også fra hverdagen.