Ollerup Abroad
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Hvert år sender Ollerup en større gruppe unge mennesker på eventyr i verdens fjerneste egne, med idræt, fællesskab og venskaber i bagagen.
Hvad er
Ollerup Abroad
Let’s do this in English – you might as well get used to it 🙂
For more than 20 years, Ollerup has been dedicated to fostering global connections and expanding the horizons of our students. The idea behind this commitment is to harness the power of our international network, providing our students with the unique opportunity to become sports leaders in community-based associations worldwide.
It all began in 1920 when Ollerup welcomed its first international student from Japan. This marked the inception of a new era, where Niels Buk’s vision opened avenues of international cooperation that have continued to thrive to this day. Over the years, we have nurtured strong partnerships with numerous clubs around the world.
As a student in Ollerup, you not only receive an exceptional education but also embark on a journey to experience the world. Through our international programs, you can travel while spreading the ideals of Danish gymnastics, community culture, and sports for all. The window of opportunities is open up to two years after your stay at Ollerup and the program lasts from four to nine months abroad.
Our commitment to international cooperation is evident in the diverse partners we collaborate with. These partners hail from different corners of the globe, each contributing their unique perspective and expertise to our global network. Currently we have partnerships in the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Greenland, Estonia, Costa Rica, Mexico.
The Ollerup Abroad program plays a central role in these international efforts. It continues to drive our mission forward, nurturing the next generation of sports leaders and promoting cultural exchange on a global scale. More than just an education, Ollerup offers a unique opportunity to be a part of something greater, connecting the world through the love of sports and the ideals we hold dear.
Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup
Svendborgvej 3
5762 Vester Skerninge
Cristiane Fuglsang-Fiorin: CF@ollerup.dk
Joana Penido: JP@ollerup.dk
Tlf. 22 84 82 84
Om Ollerup Abroad
Ollerup Abroad er, som du kan læse, et gammelt initiativ, som har rødder helt tilbage til skolens oprindelige grundlægger. Ikke desto mindre er det et nutidigt og levende netværk, som vi hvert år har stor glæde af at modtage internationale elever fra – og sende vores danske elever til.
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International Academy at Ollerup:
Cristiane Fuglsang-Fiorin: CF@ollerup.dk
Joana Penido: JP@ollerup.dk